Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Favorite Movies Of 2012

I'm a little irritated by Hollywood's penchant this year for dumbing titles down to one vague word (The Vow, The Hunter, The Lady, The Imposter, The Campaign, The Day, The Apparition, The Possession, The Words, The Master, The Hole, The Sessions, The Impossible, Chronicle, Amour, Flight, Skyfall, Lincoln, Sinister, Brave, Prometheus, Wanderlust, Haywire, Savages, Ted, Sparkle, Stolen, Luv, Quartet, etc). Will you be able to remember what these movies were about ten years from now? Are we such a disposable culture? I love a poetic title like "Beasts Of The Southern Wild". Then again, a title like "Salmon Fishing In The Yemen" is clunky as hell, but at least I have an idea what the film's actually ABOUT.

Anyway, a few single-title films made it into my favorites list despite my chagrin.

1. Looper
2. Argo
3. Moonrise Kingdom
4. Holy Motors
5. Chronicle
6. Life Of Pi
7. Beasts Of The Southern Wild
8. Bernie
9. Safety Not Guaranteed
10. Robot & Frank
11. Django Unchained
12. The Master
13. Wreck It Ralph
14. The Impossible
15. Perks Of Being A Wallflower
16. Searching For Sugarman
17. Killing Them Softly
18. Cloud Atlas
19. Brave
20. Oz The Great And Powerful (not the best film, but odd parallels to my life, so I added it)

Missed a lot of horror films because my relationship failed, thus one of my greatest joys became an extra anxiety I couldn't endure: Sinister, Compliance, V/H/S, The Bay, John Dies At The End